For over 50 years, Alkhorayef Group has specialized in advanced technology to provide our clients and customers with the basic needs of survival – water, food and fuel. We have helped build the infrastructure ; a fact that has allowed us to expand our activities in the region. Currently , we are doing the same on a global level.
With more than 5,000 employees, our diversified group offers complete and innovative solutions for projects ranging from farming to irrigation, from sewage treatment plants to power generation, from extracting oil to lubricants in addition to printing solutions. Not only do we manufacture, supply, operate and maintain the latest equipment, but we are also a byword for excellent customer service.
We believe success lies in building long-term relationships – with our clients, our business partners, our staff and the communities in which we work.
The combination of a partnership approach with cutting-edge technical excellence is making us an international force to be reckoned with. As we continue to build our reputation and expand around the world, we are looking forward to our next 50 years of success and prosperity.
Sa'ad Abdullah Alkhorayef
Chairman and CEO